My Blog

Chhaya Dias - Blog

Moments of self reflection

For me, writing is a way to de-stress. I enjoy writing what is on my mind. When I find a topic, I research it and by sharing it, I hope it will benefit you. The articles are for your knowledge, and have tips for you to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays and coffee breaks!

What living in Japan taught me about EQ:
Chhaya Dias Chhaya Dias

What living in Japan taught me about EQ:

I have lived in Japan for 11 years since 1996 and I would not be exaggerating to say that my mind has been shaped by many japanese customs and their way of life. Here are some ways that help me practice EQ

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Trauma - a crises of meaning- making
Chhaya Dias Chhaya Dias

Trauma - a crises of meaning- making

What is Trauma? And what makes recovery so hard? Read on to know more about how we process Trauma and what we can do to come out of it. According to the Mirriam Webster dictionary, Trauma is the Greek word for "wound". Although the Greeks used the term only for physical injuries, nowadays trauma is just as likely to refer to emotional wounds.

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How to stop (over) worrying
Chhaya Dias Chhaya Dias

How to stop (over) worrying

Consider this: A client applied for a job. And then spent days worrying about “How could have I have done it better?” She continued: “This thought went into my heart and caused an overload of self –blame: I wish I had taken more time to reflect and Why do I always do this?”

Uncertainty is the biggest driver of worry. We can drive ourselves crazy

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Resilience - Building your emotional immunity in a pandemic
Chhaya Dias Chhaya Dias

Resilience - Building your emotional immunity in a pandemic

Our bodies react to stress instinctively. But we are rarely tuned into our physical response to stress until it becomes a health issue. Read on to understand the response and how you can mitigate the impact by 5 simple techniques. This is especially important during the prolonged uncertainty caused of the pandemic.

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Are you looking for the perfect job?
Chhaya Dias Chhaya Dias

Are you looking for the perfect job?

Mary is in her 40’s and has recently moved to Singapore. She quit her job in the financial services back home in the US to follow her husband’s career in Singapore. For the first time post graduation, she is not working. Although she could start looking for a job, she is choosing not to. She wants to “explore” what she really loves doing. For a while now, she has not been happy in her current profession.

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Changing your patterns
Chhaya Dias Chhaya Dias

Changing your patterns

Whenever I saw my kids fight– I could predict at what point the interaction would become explosive. Although I tried, no amount of warning could stop them, not once they started arguing. It ended frequently in tears and time out. Patterns of behaviour that are self -defeating are awfully difficult to stop and often lead to trouble. The “trouble” could be a fight, distancing, withdrawal or more serious consequences that hurt you – loneliness, sorrow, depression or anxiety.

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Hope VS Hopelessness
Chhaya Dias Chhaya Dias

Hope VS Hopelessness

Last week, at the supermarket, as I reached for some fruits, a lady brushed past me and grabbed 2 packets. She, then, suddenly turned around and picked another 2.  She needed to stock up, I gathered.  She looked at me but couldn’t really meet my eyes. I knew she was embarrassed to show her anxiety and fear - that there might be scarcity of food in the future. In order to feel safe, she wanted to buy as much as possible.

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Benefits of practicing self Compassion
Chhaya Dias Chhaya Dias

Benefits of practicing self Compassion

Unless you are living alone like a hermit in the mountains, you have done things you have regretted later on. Who hasn’t? Other people’s behaviour may look perfect, but the reality is most likely that its far from. So, when I reacted rather aggressively and lashed out at a loved one, I was doing something I never would have done had I been in my senses. But at that moment, my emotions of anger and injustice got the better of me

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Self awareness - A healing journey
Chhaya Dias Chhaya Dias

Self awareness - A healing journey

Recently, I arranged to have lunch with an old friend – she cancelled literally 5 minutes before, I was already waiting in the restaurant for her– instead of feeling affronted that she did not value my time, I listened calmly to her explanation. I was shocked to hear that she was undergoing an intense grief reaction and this restaurant had triggered her sadness and memories. Unable to face that, she cancelled the lunch as she was parking her car and went home to cry.

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Trust: A powerful primal state
Chhaya Dias Chhaya Dias

Trust: A powerful primal state

TRUST. A very powerful experience…It is a state or a firm belief in the reliability of something or someone.

We are wired to connect. It is built into our DNA. It allows us to form meaningful, deep and long -lasting relationships and is a vital social tool. Eric Erickson, a noted psychologist noted that very early in our development, we experience the world from the framework of trust. It is our default option

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How fear inhibits learning - and what to do about it
Chhaya Dias Chhaya Dias

How fear inhibits learning - and what to do about it

Ever ridden a roller coaster that scared and excited you at the same time? Its how I felt last year, when I signed for a course quite blindly—in the sense that I had no idea what I was getting into.  I was learning something new after a very long time.  It was blended learning, Classroom sessions, Webinars, digital assignments, recordings…not how I learned 30 years ago!

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Building Communication Skills
Chhaya Dias Chhaya Dias

Building Communication Skills

Have you ever been in a situation where a friend was confiding in you and you thought you knew exactly what she was going through and said so to her. “I get it, I know exactly how you feel”. And your friend says, “ Well, I don’t know how you know exactly how I am feeling. You’ve never been diagnosed with cancer”. Huh?

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Focusing on the upside of change
Chhaya Dias Chhaya Dias

Focusing on the upside of change

The word “Change” wreaks havoc on us – it immediately puts us into a stress mode – we end up resisting it in a variety of ways… the inevitable flight, fight or avoid response. I have had some big changes in my life.

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Standing tall - taking the power back
Chhaya Dias Chhaya Dias

Standing tall - taking the power back

Just recently, I went through this experience of being told “who I am” I will admit it hurt and I can honestly say I began to believe their “truth”. How many people go through a similar experience? How often do we fall into believing what others say about us? How often do we find ourselves barraged by a judgement or criticism?

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Stress: Is it derailing your relationships
Chhaya Dias Chhaya Dias

Stress: Is it derailing your relationships

Joe is a 34 year old IT specialist working in a high pressure environment. He has had a negative experience with a  boss who  “did not really like him”.  He reacted with  nervousness , feeling edgy and with no feedback loop,  lost the motivation to be his best. In his current job, he is careful to cultivate a more personal relationship with his boss.

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Manage your emotions - manage your time
Chhaya Dias Chhaya Dias

Manage your emotions - manage your time

I often hear people complain “ I really have no time to relax”. “ I am too busy to even sleep or eat”. “ Not sure where the year has gone”. Often, action steps centers around –time spent on social media, change of jobs or a passive acceptance of life as is. Rarely is there an enquiry around emotions.

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