Coaching to help you attain your desired outcome:


You don’t have to do it all alone!

Coaching is a conversation like no other. When you hire a coach, you have someone to support, challenge and empower you to change in the direction you choose.


Typically, when you sign on, expect us to come to some mutual agreement on how to work together. Subsequently, we will pick a good rhythm of meeting regularly. This could be fortnightly or every 10 days or once a month. This is a flexible program meant to support you.

We start with where you are currently in your life — there’s great value to know where your current resting place is. What’s going on in your environment? What motivates you? This lays a strong foundation of self awareness and is sometimes sufficient to create a momentum of change.

The Coaching continues as we look at further “peeling of the onion”. The Coaching program is meant to create value for you so every cycle of meeting is geared for you to takeaway a learning that will “empower” you. You will grow through each session as you unravel what holds you back and add resourceful states to your toolkit.

Overall, it gives you confidence to meet your goals!

You will know a difference when you notice a change in:

BODY - via vitality, health and energy

MIND - focus, improved decision-making, problem solving

HEART - Love, care, resilience, optimism and engagement


  • Get a fresh perspective on your current blocks to success

  • Become aware of your inner programs in relation to important ares of your life—work, family, leisure, intimacy

  • Respond intentionally as you see situations in broader perspectives rather than react instinctively or not react at all

  • Become more attuned to the needs and feelings of other people

  • Foster the growth mindset -”change begins with us” is an empowering belief to embrace

  • Grow a resilient attitude in yourself and support significant others in the same quest.

The program is supported with a suite of self assessments — this will enable you to get an objective view of yourself. We can repeat that post program to see changes.