A Scan of your key(EQ)competencies:

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Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Profile (SEI®)

The Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Profiles (SEI®) is a research backed, validated assessment that will offers feedback on your strengths and areas of growth from the 8 competencies of Emotional Intelligence.


SEI profile offers a springboard to an overview of your 8 EQ capabilities that form your patterned ways of “achieving goals”. The reason this is important is that if we don’t know our patterns, it is tough to adapt or change when new challenges come up. And we run into trouble quickly. Under stress, we are even less likely to self reflect. Why wait? This profile fast tracks your self awareness and best of all, gives you a road map of “HOW TO”. A single session is powerful to make significant changes in your mindset.

The SEI equips you to answer essential questions:

  • What skills are required for you to handle life’s challenges or do better in life?

  • The profile reflects your present state -it is not a fixed measure

  • What needs to be worked on or unlearnt so you can be where you want to be?

    What makes SEI such an effective assessment tool?

  • SEI is used in 127 countries for a broad range of training, coaching, selection, and development needs. SEI is best-in-class because of the blend of robust psychometrics, easy practicality, and global relevance.

  • Whereas several EQ tools provide meaningful feedback, the SEI is unique because it’s not JUST feedback, The SEI links EQ to real life. You will know graphically how you are achieving current “success factors” (effectiveness, wellbeing, quality of life and relationships).

  • Other metrics are: your ability to handle tough emotions, what energises you, what motivates you, what draws people to you, how do you create psychological safety and trust, how tuned are you to emotional data, Optimism, Intrinsic Motivation, Purpose – competencies that are critical for e.g. : If you have difficulty navigating emotions or expressing empathy, are your relationships lacking intimacy?

  • The profile does not stop at hard data and graphs, but also provides the “so what?” to make EQ relevant. At the end, you will get an insight into how to increase your satisfaction in life.

Uses of the SEI

  • Curious about yourself

  • Professional and personal growth

  • Selection, Talent management

  • Training and Coaching