How her journey began


Chhaya Dias is a (PCC) level Emotional Resilient Coach, Inner Child Therapist and Founder of “The Balance Beam”,  a company she started with a lofty objective and resilient spirit. The idea was to offer tailored and customised solutions to clients for their personal and professional growth.

 Chhaya is a highly experienced professional and   enjoys practicing multiple modalities and blending them to form a unique healing conversation with clients that offers them the best possible breakthroughs to move forward in their life. Most people who contact her are ready to take responsibility to turn their life around - and what may bring them in is a desire to overcome personal or professional challenges, resolve conflict at home or work, emotional pain and suffering, overcome stress and anxiety, handling deep uncertainty, heal through grief and loss, move through unpredictable change and transitions of life, harmonise broken or faltering relationships, boost self confidence or a desire to do better in life.

Her work experience spans India, Japan and Singapore as a Life Coach, Inner Child Therapist, Psychologist, Counsellor, Teacher and Facilitator. She has a M. Phil in Psychology aside from multiple certifications including Six Seconds EQ Assessor & EQ Practitioner, Advanced Corporate Coaching Program, NLP Practitioner, Inner Child Therapist, Mentor Coach and ACTA.  

On a personal note, she grew up in Mumbai, India, but has spent the last 27 years in Japan and Singapore raising a family. She is a proud mother of two boys now adults. She enjoys walking, gym workouts, random TV serials and movies plus music and reading .

PERSONAL JOURNEY: “I started my career as a Psychologist/Counsellor in the 90's, when any conversation of mental health or personal struggles was a social/ personal stigma. The shame silenced people from seeking help and witnessing how a few therapeutic interventions could have saved people from unimaginable suffering made me start my lifelong journey”.Chhaya

Past a long break raising a family, her Coaching journey began in 2014 when she started to feel a sense of emptiness despite ‘having it all”. Although her life had taken a turn towards raising a family, she began to realise that she was constantly nudged by a gnawing feeling of doubt about the direction of her life. Initially, she explored a journey of personal development through courses, reading and meeting people who she considered emotional and spiritual “guru’s”

Discovering Life Coaching as a change modality brought about an instant recognition of a calling and connected with her desire to bring the healing to others. When she felt stuck in her own personal growth, she turned to re-examining her inner voices - that of the suppressed child in her. She felt changed when we was able to connect and heal those unconscious parts of her that were still holding her back.

“Hiring a coach was the best decision I made. My coach helped me gain confidence and encouraged me to take action on my goals. I used to dream and plan but not take action do. He encouraged me and believed in me 100%.”

“If you ignore the call of unprocessed fear, shame or rage- it will show up anyway- in your body as physical discomfort, in your heart as poor relationships or in your mind as judgements or opinions - and the result is always suffering. Heal your Inner child” Chhaya

The turbulence of those times have lead to a change in her life. Through a process of making choices and letting go of what was clearly not working for her she was able to find a clearer path towards her fulfilment. In her experience, at some time or another we are all called upon to know what is really important to us. Often, though we tend to pursue what others choose for us or what society expects from us. We internalise these expectations and put pressure on ourselves to be someone who lives a life not truly aligned to who we need to be. Our decisions, choices and actions become automated i.e we function on auto pilot.

It is important to note that for each of us the journey of self development is unique - our reasons differ, our chosen way is mixed and the journey is never complete. The journey of personal growth is always that of self responsibility - driven by awareness and intentional choices and thus, we begin to create a life that is more fulfilling and joyous.

“The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination.” — Carl Rogers

Driven from her journey, and understanding the difficulties and obstacles faced by each of us, she started her company to connect people to their potential. She passionately believes that each of us can create whatever outcome we choose—wellness, health, emotional balance, influence, career advancement or support systems.

“Success without fulfilment is the ultimate failure” - Tony Robbins

“The drive for self improvement is within all of us. But we need someone who can be with us through that difficult but ultimately rewarding journey. A certified life Coach or Inner Child Therapist has the skills, knowledge, experience and wisdom to be there for you” Chhaya

What People Are Saying


Chhaya was a gentle yet tough coach, as she helped guide me through the various issues. She asked very powerful questions and gave good analogies for me to think through my issues

Chhaya's coaching style is warm, collaborative and awareness building. Chhaya asked great questions, used her intuition and communicated in a very direct/clear way. This all helped me stay focused on my goals, explore what's under the surface and identify the next steps, so that I could keep moving forward. I learned how important it is to be prepared to take a risk as a coach - of sharing your insights, observations and experience even if you might be wrong. I was able to create a strong foundation, complete a major project and design a plan to move forward with my wellness coaching practice in 2017.


Chhaya's approach is warm, collaborative and affirming. She has a lovely non-judgmental style which was very easy to connect with. Chhaya was able to co-create the relationship fairly quickly. I felt very comfortable sharing some highly sensitive, personal, and confidential situations with her, and she handled them with deep care

Chhaya has a holistic and yet very grounded coaching style. She is attentive and warm and she is very good at reframing in a way that allows for reflection and brings in the possibility of seeing other perspectives. She listened in a genuine and non judgmental way. She was there with me all the way in a very supportive way that made a safe space for me to explore and learn. Being coach by Chhaya taught me the value of listening and how effective silence and pausing can be. Through these 6 sessions I found the motivation again to move forward towards my goal

A few of her Credentials

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“Motivation comes from within - and I’m here to help you activate it.”