Inner Child Therapy: Heal old traumas and hurts from your past:

Connect to your Inner child

We often ignore what is most vulnerable in us. We layer it with toughness, denial, projection or flounder and repeat mistakes. Inner child therapy is a profound journey to heal those parts of us wounded in childhood.

Your best relationship is the one you have with your Inner Child. Would you like to connect with the joy and innocence of “a child inside you"?

Our childhood still impacts us. We get triggered and react with old patterns. For e.g:

I want to be a good parent but I often ‘lose my temper” with my kids.

I want to say ‘No” but I am worried I might lose my friends affection

No matter how much I achieve, I feel like I don’t deserve it.

Why is there so much drama in my life?

How can what happened years ago still impact me?

Nothing is more powerful than our childhood.. Our family is the first reference point for everything – our life depends on the caregiving of parents or care takers. We will do anything to stay alive and keep the connection. But, life happens and when circumstances are adverse, we deploy coping mechanism to survive.

Coping mechanisms are decisions that are not healthy in the long run. They help cut off the pain but the pain festers underneath the mask. Like if you eat to handle anxiety, it will work but the anxiety will come back again.

The unhealed and unintegrated pain that stems from the past is known as Inner child. An Inner child is not a real child but an real age at which we buried the hurt of being rejected or abandoned.

Recognise your wounded Inner child:

A person’s wounded inner child is seen in dysfunctional coping mechanisms like projection, poor boundaries, emotional numbing, co dependency, addictions, fears and phobias, anxiety etc.

Are we not mature and old enough to know better?

The reason the memory stays alive is that it is stored in the part of the brain that controls the emotional/primitive responses that is unconnected from the logical thinking part.

 Thus, a similar event in the present adult state collapses time and we go back to the “dark alley”. Inner child therapy brings out these stored responses and lets the light of clarity shine on them. 

 Is Healing really possible if I have had a whole childhood filled with trauma?

Yes. Yes. By exploring and completing these energetic imprints, we can free ourselves from the bonds of these dysfunctional patterns. We re-experience those incidents to change our relationship with them. Our wounds are real experiences not based in fantasy. Our inner wounds stay with us in the form of fragmented memories - in our emotions, thinking and also our body. Hence, we work through all these modalities. Once we can release the energy of the past that is unconsciously influencing us, we can now see them with our adult perspective.

Can I find a new healthy way of living?
A redecision to cope in a healthy way often leads to a new path. A redecision is about changing the subscious program that runs an area of our life. For e.g.: One of the most painful experience for a child is if he has received conditional love. “You are good enough only if you …..”. This is a deep wound that is especially painful as we all yearn love and belonging. Being judged as lacking means “I don’t belong” and if I don’t belong then how will I survive?

Another example is a child who learnt to survive by pleasing people or being a perfectionist. When the Inner child who made this decision is healed and given unconditional love, then the inner child no longer needs to please others or be perfect to win love. And a new program based on health and wellbeing can be inserted. 

What are the methods of Inner child healing?

Basic tools like visualisations, gestalt work with the body, empty chair techniques are used to bring integration, wholeness and wellness to the client.

“The goal of this work,” says John Bradshaw, author of “Home coming” “is to get you to come to peace with the past and finish it.”

“We all have a shadow self. The best way forward is to turn on the light. Face your insecurities. Shine on your fears. Embrace your inner child”. Chhaya