Trust: A powerful primal state

TRUST. A very powerful experience…It is a state or a firm belief in the reliability of something or someone. 

We are wired to connect. It is built into our DNA. It allows us to form meaningful,  deep  and long -lasting relationships and is a vital social tool.  Eric Erickson, a noted psychologist noted that very early in our development, we experience the world from the framework of trust. It is our default option

Our initial primal questions may well be “Can I trust this person?” “Is the world a reliable place to be?” The answers we receive is critical  to our development because  it is only through others that we thrive and develop. If our trust ability is undermined, it damages all our relationships. 

Being in trust releases a “love” hormone Oxytocin in our body. It reduces fear and increases empathy. In a state of trust we feel safe, confident and happy. It is also a state where we stay curious and learning is facilitated. New ideas and creativity is fostered.

 So, in your life,

 Who do you trust? 

What do you look for- to trust another person? 

 Have you ever been betrayed? 

What violates your trust? 

Being trustworthy is equally important. It speaks to a high level of development of the self and mastery over emotions, moods and circumstances. It  is being strong enough to be honest and true to your word.  

EQ skills are crucial to create trust and increase it as a postive energy field around you. Here are some ways EQ can helps you build trust.

  •  Be a good listener. People will feel validated and cared for and are more likely to trust you. So, are you a good listener? Do you listen more than you talk? Next time you are with someone, give them your full attention. Put your phone on silent. 

  • Manage your emotions –even when under stress. Trust is built by letting others know they are safe with you. Can you pause or delay gratification? Think long term. What are you really trying to achive here? 

  • Build self- awareness. Self -awareness lets us anticipate and manage our reactions before they happen. And we can also accept them in others—letting us manage their behaviour more effectively.  Win-Win. 

Do you know how to create trust in relationships? I had a 90 minute coaching call with a client who wanted to focus on the value of building his integrity. He felt building trust is part of that. A life Coach can help you clarify areas that help you build your leadership skills.

Trust is not a meaningless word. It is the foundation of all authentic communication and necessary for teamwork and increased productivity. We are happy in a environment where trust is a priority and we feel safe.

#lifecoach #trust #leadershipcoach #integrity



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